Monday, June 8, 2009

Keeping promiss

Long time didn't type blog, sorry to my blog reader. However it seem like i'm really a guy because i can focus on 1 thing at a time only, after i created this blog i'm like totally ignored my friendster's blog. (People say girls can multi task but guys can't) Maybe is because that blog have really limited functions. Anyway, it had been long time since i have this feel want to type blog so even though tomorrow is final exam, i still want to type this out. SOrry mum n dad ^_^ I believe they will understand me [cross my filger behind my back]

Today i want to talk about promiss. I can't remember since when (should be since my mum say dad never keep his promiss) i start to have the feel that keeping promiss is important and last year or some years behind, i also read a book saying about keeping promiss. Well, for me i think since i start to think more like a teenage than a kid, i started to keep my promiss and most of it especially when it is related to others. When i break a promiss is either i forget, or something happen that force me to choose between them. But there is one person that i never manage to keep promis with him. and he is TheTramp. Yup he is myself.

WHen i break a promiss i'll feel sad n sorry because i feel responsible... don't know does you feel the same or not but when i break my promiss with myself. I feel nothing. I don't feel like i hurted myself or what because when i break a promiss with myself is when i let my feeling control over my brain. So does anyone of you have any good suggestion how to heep a promiss with yourself?

HOwever, breaking a promiss is really serious no matter it is big promiss like leave together forever when marriage or small like will help someone buy a drink or what. Because to the person who make the promiss, he or she might don't feel anything but to the person that he or she promissed, they feel dissapointed, they feel sad and lost their fate and believe on you when you break that promiss. Take for example, when my house owner mention that whoever can pay the deposit faster she will rent the room to him but when my friend call and say they got the money, she can't accept it. for her it might not be a big deal because there is another that want the room but will not pay so early but to us, who are the middle man that contact the guy at perth, we don't even know how to explain to him that he's deposite is rejected. But i can't blame my house owner also because another guy promiss her that he'll pay just the day before we want the room. Even thourgh he haven't pay but he gave a promiss. (but in the end he did't pay so the room are gave to my friend).

THat is promiss on business. In real life ppl call it contract. Since i mention here might as well make some revision. In order to form a contract, first both parties must have the intention to create a legal relationship. Then follow with agreement. Agreement in law means one parties offer something and the other accepts it in ruturn for something. For an agreement to be valid there must be something for something or something for some services. Can not be something for nothing. (So that it "feel" fair) Then follow with consideration. both parties have to consider about the agreement and agree to it. The other will be both parties that sign the contract must have a meeting of mind. This means their understanding about the contract have to be same. (words are tricky sometime). last but not less will be is the agreement legal. This means i can not sign a contract to pay someone to kill someone. Hehe... That will be "promiss" in real life.

But for mine age, TheTramp is only a 21 (ok i know i'm 22 but my birthday is still half year away...) so for me a promiss is normally make with friends especially girl... hehe get the point? guys, we are careless creature so normally we'll feel that breaking a small promiss like late for 5 min or what is not important but to girls that is crital. for them it can means a lot especially if your target is her. haha... But when i try to think on their stand, if a guy now can late for 5 min, does that means in future they will late for 5 hours? You might think i'm making a big deal out of it but believe in me, when you get used to the 5 min, 5 hour is nothing sooner or later. That is why no matter how small the promiss is, i always try to keep it. Just don't know how to keep a promiss with myself now.

A little small advice, this is something i learn from a lecture, when you get busy and popular, people will keep finding you for help or work and sometime you just promiss then forget. A good way he shown me is when u make a promiss that you worry that you will forget, tell that person a time and if after that time you didn't fulfill your promiss, let him to remind you. This way you let him feel you are serious about it and you don't have to worry about forget about your promiss. BUT NEVER DELAY IT IF YOU REALLY FORGET IT AND HE/SHE COME REMIND YOU. That should be the first thing you going to do.

Second advice is, never give promiss that you are not sure you can do it or not. We like to use we will try and so but when you become a profession such as an engineer , every word count. You can be sue for breach of contract because a contract does not means in black and white. giving a promiss by mouth also count. Not only that, things that you should do but you did not are count as negleigent also. OMG i study too much law already... linking everything to law... SOrry... please forgive me because that is my next paper. :P

Anyway, hope this help you realize how important to keep a promiss and help you manage your promisses. hee... i also hope you can share your oppiniont on how to keep a promiss also.

Thanks for reading my blog and have a nice day ^_^

PS: This blog is a good example that i did't manage to keep a promiss to myself. Did't update the information as what i promissed myself T_T (Evil smile: Who care!!! not like it will affect anyone wahaha....) Just kidding :P

Copyright to (c) TheTramp

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